Thursday, March 6, 2008

All better!

Sorry about the lack of posting! Not much has been going on. Lucy is totally better now, which means a much more happy baby, which means a much more happy everyone.

Picture taking has been a little difficult lately, owing to the fact that Lucy can't seem to resist the urge to lunge at the camera every time I take it out. Which leaves me with a bunch of pictures that look like this:
And this:
Not exactly my top pick for the photo albums. And also, wow. That is one seriously crazy look of determination on her face.


Heather said...

I"m glad Lucy is feeling better. Isn't it the best when kids are back to their old selves? It seems to happen when I'm at the end of my rope and am beginning to wonder if he's going through his terrible 2's early. But then the happy and fun Max comes back.

I know what you mean about the camera grabbing - I have so many pictures of Max either pointing at the camera or of his fingertip covering the lens. Yay for digital cameras!

The Becker Bunch said...

Hi SHauna...Lucy is BEAUTIFUL!! This is Nikki from Mormon Mommies. I found your blog from Bekah's...I hope you don't mind! I just wanted to tell you that it's been nice to catch up on how things are from your blog and you have just an adorable little angel there!! Feel free to check out my blog if you want!!